The Fariy Gor Warrior!!

As we hold our breaths and wait for the doors to open for fantasy Gatcha! here is another sneak peek…. I had sneak peek of The Forge vendor as Deccan was putting up the Gatcha Machine out my fellow bloggers where hovered around was lovely to have them all in one place as we waited to have look of what Deccan was releasing for Fantasy Gatcha when I seen what he had released I cant wait to go back again and win me  that rare I have my eye on… I have great outfit in mind for the future but… today’s  post I was feeling little epic with my wings and downing ole my friend  they where like my magic wings!!


her heart pounds as she arrives to the new lands her eyes move around taking in the sights she thinks to herself as she stands there on her ship ..she was once a enemy now she joins forces with these warriors, how will she ever fit in will she fit in will they like her, all thoughts crossed her mind as she clenches Darks hand as they step off the ship together hand in hand, dork following behind them she gasps as she hears the horn blowing loud noise filling the land, she turns sees other enemy ships docking into port ,  she flees into the lands drawing her bow as she feels the the arrows behind her missing her by little, as she comes to a house that has no furniture it looks inviting as her eyes look around the room she felt at home here… she thought to herself that this would be her new house, a home that she could be proud of,  she would now be Vydarr Maiden of the lands…


What Lotte is Wearing…

Ranga!! Darks dwarf son!- Dwarfins Donin – Male @ The Fantasy Gatcha

Top ~!gO! Barbarian Girl top

Corset ~*OAL* Bette Corset XXS Black @ The Fantasy Gatcha

Gloves ~*OAL* Bette Gloves XS Black RARE @ The Fantasy Gatcha

Bracer ~. a i s l i n g . Faranth Bracer  -Black  @ The Fantasy Gatcha

thigh jewels ~. a i s l i n g . Faranth Thigh  -Silver- @ The Fantasy Gatcha

Necklace ~.Enfant Terrible. Midsommer Dream Necklace 3 @ The Fantasy Gatcha

Staff ~.Enfant Terrible. Midsommer Dream Staff Silver ULTRA RARE – @ The Fantasy Gatcha

Headpiece ~[Keystone]  Bru’ella – Black x Silver / Uncommon / @ The Fantasy Gatcha

kilt ~[Keystone] Ioanna’s BeltSkirt – Brown x Black COMMON @ The Fantasy Gatcha

Bracer ~[The Forge] Asgar Bracer UltraRare (Black)

Belt ~[The Forge] Daerwen Belt (Black)

Tights ~Paperbag. My Fav Black Tights Gartered 3 1

Crown ~.Enfant Terrible. fashun crowns SECRET CROWN BLACK -@ The Fantasy Gatcha

(( Slur of the Fantasy Gatcha will be posted when opens Feb 1st )



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